
Structure and Leadership

The President of the Society is the Chief Executive and directs the programme and mandate of the Society on behalf of the members. The President is the Chairman at every General Meeting, meeting of the Council and Executive Committee of the Society. The President holds office for a period of two years and is succeeded by the Deputy President. The Deputy President is elected every two years and automatically becomes the President after the expiration of the two-year tenure of the predecessor.

The Council is the governing body of the Society. The Council meets bi-monthly to consider memos from the executive committee and others to make policies touching on the conduct and business of the Society. The Council is made up of statutory members and reports to the Annual General Meeting which is an expanded gathering of members once every year.

The Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Society is responsible for overseeing the management and administration of the affairs of the Society and reports to the Council of the Society. EXCO is made up of the President, Deputy President, Vice Presidents, members who were elected by other members at the Annual General Meetings every year and nominated representatives of the Divisions.

The Secretariat of the Society is staffed by professionals with different skills and disciplines. The Secretariat implements the policies of the Society and the overall coordination of its activities. The Executive Secretary is the head of the Secretariat and oversees the day-to-day management of the Secretariat.

Code of Ethics

The NSBCE Code of Ethics defines the expectations of individuals in the profession.

Constitution and By-Laws

The NSBCE is a legitimate professional organization whose activities are in conformity with national legislation and its bylaws.

Clinical Engineering Standards of Practice

One of the many professions that contribute to quality, affordable, and safe healthcare is clinical engineering. The administration of medical device technology, including adherence to established safety, quality, cost, and efficiency criteria, is the role and main duty of clinical engineering service.

The Clinical Engineering Standard of Practice has two goals:

  • To define the scope and role of clinical engineering services in Nigerian healthcare organizations.
  • To define standards suitable for evaluation in a review process.

The original Clinical Engineering Standards of Practice for Nigeria was drafted in 2022. It was recognized that for this Standards of Practice document to remain relevant to Nigerian Clinical Engineers, it must undergo periodic reviews and updating. A second edition will be published in 2024. A working draft will be presented at the NSBCE Workshop/webinars during 2023. Input from the Workshop/webinars will be used to revise the working draft. It will then circulate to the full membership for another round of comments. The final document was presented to the membership for approval by electronic ballot after being presented at a workshop at the NSBCE forthcoming conference in Abuja.

The Clinical Engineering Standard of Practice is available free to members.