
Preliminary Call for Papers

by Nov 8, 20220 comments


The Program Committee invites engineers, physicians, scientists, students, technicians and technologists to submit papers for this important event.

Preliminary Call for Papers

Scientific and technical contributions are welcome in, but not limited to, the following areas:
• Biomechanics
• Biomedical Image Processing
• Biophotonics
• Clinical Engineering
• Ethics and Regulations
• Health Informatics
• Medical Devices: Development, Evaluation and Commercialization
• Neuroengineering
• Physiological Systems / Modeling
• Rehabilitation Engineering
• Robotics
• Sensors and Instrumentation
• Signal Processing
• Software Usability Testing
• Synthetic Biology
• Telehealth
• Tissue Engineering


• Authors are invited to submit a 2-4 page paper or 1-page abstract through the online paper management system at https://nsbce.org.ng
• You will be required to set up your account when you log in the first time.
• The paper submission deadline is August 1, 2024
• Papers will be subject to a critical review process by the Academic Committee.
• Notification of paper acceptance will be sent by June 15, 2024.

The presentation of papers will be in podium or poster sessions, and the Program Committee reserves the right to decide on the medium to be used for each accepted paper.


Whether presented on a podium or in a poster session, all submissions will be judged equally in both the Outstanding Research and Student Paper competitions. Only full papers and NSBCE Members are eligible for these competitions.

Important Dates

August 1, 2024 – Final date to submit papers or abstracts
June 15, 2024 – Notification of paper acceptance
October 1, 2024 – Registration deadline

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