


The Scholarship is introduced by the Nigerian Society for Biomedical & Clinical Engineering (NSBCE) as a way of giving back to the Society and supporting educational and research development. Scholarships are the best and most effective ways for intelligent students to be granted the opportunity to realize their dreams of a quality and sustainable education. This fund will be used to provide educational scholarships as well as support for high impact research. It will increase Biomedical Engineering education and research achievement in the country and provide many who are presently excluded with the ability to seize Biomedical Engineering education and research opportunities and fulfil their potentials.

Through this fund NSBCE shows exceptional commitment to the sustainable national development of Nigeria by significantly increasing opportunities for Biomedical Engineering education and research attainment nationwide.

1. Support and promote Biomedical Engineering Education in Nigeria
2. Assist in developing the needed manpower for the medical technology advancement of the nation

For Whom:
Members of the Nigerian Society for Biomedical & Clinical Engineering (NSBCE) at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Award Categories:

  • 5 PhD Students
  • 10 Master’s Degree Students
  • 20 Undergraduates Students



• The scholarship is awarded to undergraduates and postgraduates (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) in Biomedical Engeering field
• A minimum of Second-Class Upper is required
• The Award/Grant is expected to be channelled towards tuition, accommodation, books, and research materials
• The Scholarship/Awards/Grant is based on your activities/visibility at local chapter and national levels of the Society.
• The Award is a onetime opportunity during a course of study.
• The scholarship amount is paid twice in two consecutive years subject to satisfactory academic performance
• Registered and financially up to date NSBCE members are eligible to benefit from the fund.
• Other conditions as may be determined by NSBCE from time-to-time



Specifics for Undergraduates (BSc.):
The completed form must be accompanied by the following documents:
• Admission letter
• University ID card.
• Recommendation letter from HOD, duly stamped and signed.
• Evidence of membership in NSBCE
• Duly signed and stamped academic results of the last two semesters
• Cumulative grade point average (CGPA)

Specifics for Postgraduates (PhD & M.Sc):
The completed form must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Admission letter
  • A 2-page proposal (ONLY required for postgraduate awards and research grants).
  • Two recommendation letters from the institution or organization, duly signed and stamped (HOD, Dean, Vice-Chancellor, Rector, Manager, Director, Project Supervisor etc.)
  • Proposed budget
  • Duly signed past academic results
  • Duly signed academic certificates
  • NYSC discharge certificate
  • A yearly progress report for renewal of the award
  • Evidence of past activities with local chapters and National for Conferences and workshop attendance.
  • A letter of recommendation from the NSBC Chapter to which the applicant belongs shows the level of involvement with the society



• All applications are screened by Education and Manpower Development Committee of Nigeria Computer Society.
• Candidates are evaluated based on their needs and past academic performances
• The NSBCE Scholarship does not discriminate based on religion, origin, gender, age, physical or mental disability.
• Bond free
• Selection of qualified candidates is also done by the committee
• The decision of the National Executive Council of the NSBCE is final.


• Name of Student
• Name of Institution
• Course of Study
• Matriculation number
• Current level and academic session
• Cumulative grade point average (CGPA)
• A copy of signed and stamped verification letter from the respective institution confirming the details stated above for each student.


NSBCE recognizes individuals for their accomplishments, significant contributions, and service to the Society and the field of biomedical engineering.

Presidential award

More information will be available soon

List of past beneficiaries


More information will be available soon

List of past beneficiaries